Our Industry-Low Fees

Coins Connect is an industry leader in low payment gateway processing fees

Coins Connect Current Fees - Industry Leader In Low Fees

Item Fee
Payments/Commercial Activity
Incoming Payments - To Balance (funds go to CoinPayments Wallet)1 3 0.5%
Incoming Payments - ASAP (funds are forwarded to external address)2 3 0.5% + coin TX fee
Incoming Payments - Nightly (funds are forwarded to external address in one nightly batch)3 0.5% + coin TX fee
Wallet Service
Personal Deposits (Addresses made on the Your Wallets page or Deposit Addresses retreived with our API) First 15,000 USD equivalent monthly: FREE
After that: 0.5%
Conversions coin TX fee2 + conversion partner's fees (if any)
Withdrawals coin TX fee2
1: Due to their architecture some coins have to be moved on the blockchain even for To Balance mode and the TX fee is deducted from those payments.
2 We currently subsidize Bitcoin sends so you pay a flat TX fee of 0.00040000 instead of the full TX fee.
3 Payments with supported Ether Tokens have a 1% fee due to our additional overhead to support them. Payout modes which require conversions also have an additional 0.1% fee. Due to increased Ethereum prices we have had to implement a variable fee to help subsidize gas costs, this amount is added to both the order total the buyer pays and the payment fee so as a merchant it may look like you are paying more than a 1% payment fee, however the fee you are paying is the same.

Current Coin TX/Withdrawal Fees